Welcome to Homegrown Romans!

We're here to help you study for the National Latin Exam and prepare for Certamen!!!
We have an ever-growing question database and software that will help you quiz yourself.
Our questions are from old NLE's, our own work, and material from the Certamen Question Database.

Quiz me from these categories: (DO NOT SUBMIT IF BLANK!)

Latin Grammar Vocabulary
Roman History Roman Daily Life
Mythology Latin Literature - Prose
Latin Literature - Poetry Mottoes, Proverbs, Abbreviations, Expressions
Derivatives Translation
Ancient Geography Greek History

Quiz me at these levels: (DO NOT SUBMIT IF BLANK!)

Intro to Latin Latin I
Latin II Latin III/IV Prose
Latin III/IV Poetry Latin V/VI


Contact Karen Karppinen with web page issues (comments, suggestions, errors, future features to add)
and data issues that pertain to NLE or "missing questions" -- things that should be included here but aren't yet.

Contact Melissa Bishop with data issues pertaining to Certamen.

This site is very much under construction... If the quiz page blows up, it's because you've chosen a combination of category and level that has no questions yet (III/IV Poetry and V/VI are very empty!)

Future Features - Coming Soon!
- Create student logins (free, anonymous - just make up a username and password) and create functionality for students to track their progress - add buttons for "right" and "wrong" and track which questions they got right - don't requiz on those until they finish the whole category. Keep track of how many times they've completely cycled through each category. - Create teacher logins, like Quia, so they can view their students' records and find out how they're doing.

Note: We do not own the rights to the National Latin Exam materials or the Certamen Question Database materials. You can access NLE materials HERE and the Certamen Question Database HERE.

Sources included in our question database (More will be added soon!):

Certamen Database - General Information - Latin I (Not Done)
NLE 1978, Level I and II
NLE 1979, Level I and II
NLE 1981, Level I and II
NLE 1982, Level I and II
NLE 1985, Level I and II
NLE 1986, Level I and II
NLE 1987, Level I and II
NLE 1991, Level I, II, III/IV Prose
NLE 1992, Level I, II, III/IV Prose

The database currently contains 1167 questions.

Multas gratias to Jean Miller for sending me the 1978-1987 NLE's (and some other ones I was missing). Thank you!!!

I am not using the 2000-2006 NLE's, because we do those for homework as practice for the test!